We need an "Add New Global Block" button wherever there is an element that requires having a global block.
Ben Hartlenn
The user experience for us would be much smoother here if we could simply click on an add new global block button, instead of having to:
1) Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard
2) Find and click on Breakdance >> Global Blocks
3) Finally get to click on Add new global block
At least give us a button that opens the Breakdance >> Global Blocks page for us. It's getting so tedious always having to navigate to something that could and should be one click away.
Shawn Martin
So glad this feature is making its appearance!!!
Ben - in the next release its been included that you can add and edit everything, templates, pop-ups, global blocks etc without having to go back into wordpress - the current release candidate has the functionality - its excellent.
James I'd love it even more if I could click a button and save any section as a block and then have the option to leave it as a standalone block or save it as a global block.
Stewart You can do this through the library in the add menu - just set the library to this site - and any section from all pages is available with an add to page option. In the structure menu if you control click the element - you can save it as a global block.
Watch this video, full of great little work flow tips - its an official breakdance vid
James Thank you, I wasn't aware if that.