Vinh Kieu
What about SEOPress ?
Adam Kotala
Please, do RankMath integration
Eric Caldwell
We considered switching from DIVI to BreakDance but without RankMath support we might have to delay this decision or look back to Elementor.
Vee Ridgley
Although no SEO plugin will not make a site rank unless you are using the correct KWDs, RM is still useful if you are missing alt tags, KW density etc.
FYI - RankMath users are getting nasty 50% price increases at renewal. Demand might go down after this year.
David Fernández
Any news about this integration? 🥲
Julia van Leeuwen
We had contact with Rank Math and they are open to team up with Breakdance to have this developed. So what are you waiting for Breakdance, grab this opportunity and have Rank Math function inside the Breakdance editor so we can march on!
Jos Moons
This integration wouild be a serious waste of time.
Norbert Fiko
This is a big one. Hopefully it will be done soon.
Joe Green
This is already done, right? Not sure what is meant by "integration" --- but BD is compatible with RM and has been for a long time
Julia van Leeuwen
Joe Green correct so a 'real' integration as well as proper SEO support (parsing the data so search engines can read it) is a must to be able to use breakdance and be able to rank for seo
Joe Green
Julia van Leeuwenhad no idea that page buiders need to do something to their side "to allow" a plugin to operate as it was designed to operate. It sounds like you are talking about a lot more than just plugin compatilbity. Is this unique to RankMath, or are there a lot of prominent plugins that require page builders to dedicate more resources to that particular plugin, so that it operates as intended?
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