Open Rich Text Editor On Double Click
Trevor Dupp
Purhaps I'm missing something but anytime I have to edit a Rich Text widget I click on the widget, go to the side bar and click on the text box, then that opens the window back in the editor.
Why won't it just open up when I doubleclick on it or something?
A lot of click around and whipping my mouse back and forth when working on heavy content pages.
Louis Reingold
Rich Text will now open on double click in 1.4.
Qui Pubblicità
Another very useful thing about the Rich Text tool would be the ability to resize and move the pop-up window to be able to see real-time changes on the page.
Louis Reingold
This will ship in 1.4.
The most important on the Rich editor is to use images which got deleted every time, nothing else....
Andrzej Dubiel
in progress
Obed Parlapiano
Wouldn't it be annoying if it always opens the modal, even when you don't want it to? What if you want to edit something else but the modal opens?
Trevor Dupp
Obed Parlapiano: Thats why there should be either a keyboard short cut, or some other trigger within the Rich Text.
For example you can just put the "Expand" icon that's in the side panel into the Rich Text block in the upper coin.
It'l be a lot less mouse movement and just more intuitive.
Glenn Jansen
Trevor Dupp: Or even double clicking to open the editor and single click to show the element settings in the left sidebar