Popups can contain any static data and that's ok. But what if I want to show dynamic data from CPT in popup too.
Here is the case to use this feature.
  1. I create a srvices/products post type or use WooCommerce product post type;
  2. I create a popup with dynamic data from chosen CPT;
  3. Then I create listing card template for my CPT;
  4. During create listing, I put the button (f-ex. Learn More), which will open popup, created on the step 2;
  5. And now I add the query builder block and choose listing template.
When I click the button I get the dynamic data from CPT. It can be properties, characteristics, gallery from custom fields and description from main content.
We can also put the form inside popup and get one click orders. Form email template can contain the post Title and post permalink (if CPT publicly_queryable = true). So, customers manager can understand which product or service was ordered.
The best example of similar solution — JetPopup + JetEngine for Elementor.
It would be great feature especially for landing pages.