Table Element (basic)
Pedro Cassian
im hopeful we will see this one day, maybe this year
Chris Osiak
I guess anyone waiting for a core table element you can try this:
Louis Reingold
Pedro Cassian
Louis Reingold no pressure :P
I think the table element is a very good marketing thing and should be not basic ! A key point to switch to Breakdance would be if you have a table element like this:
for comparison, with sticky header and good responsive navigation.
These comparison tables are widly used from webmasters for niche site and thats your main target buyers. Louis Reingold
Aaron Mitchell
I would propose a simple integration with the Tablepress plugin ( It is lighweight, no bloat, has minimal impact on performance and it can do absolutely everything.
Deque original css and js, then reintegrate with Breakdance native styling options.
Ryan Yuhnzi
This. A simple integration would do the trick.
Garin Thunder
Louis Reingold
under review
We need to think more about this.
Everyone wants something different.
There's a reason there are dedicated table plugins for WordPress - we can't solve every use case with one element.
Please leave some specific comments in this thread about what you want (to the users that have already done this, thank you) and then we'll consider the individual requests instead of this one blanket issue.
Glenn Jansen
Louis Reingold:
Start with a simple table element, no dynamic data yet:
- When selecting the element: generic black/white/grey styling
- Using the same system as for the advanced dropdown in the menu builder. Being able to add columns and items (th/td) inside the columns. However, do this for the table rows.
- Typography, text color and BG color configurable per TR, per TH and per TD
- A toggle button for striped rows. When enabled it shows text color and background color options
- Obviously border options somehow
- Styling for the entire table could be done in 'Advanced > Wrapper styling'
Dynamic content tables later on but not with as much flexibility in regards to building. Just mainly the general TR, TH and TD styling and the query.
Could keep the generic table and dynamic table as 1 table element with a toggle switch at the top.
Pedro Cassian
Louis Reingold: I just want to be able to quickly be able to make a simple table like this one, theres al ot of really advanced table plugins which im looking at now but they are overkill and seem very complex, seems easier to use dreamweaver and make a table in the WYSIWYG builder and copy the html, but don't really want to install dreamweaver just to do that
Mauro Dalu
There's not an immediate need for dynamic data to be the source of the table.
The main issue right now for me is that if a blog author wants to add a simple table, he needs to either use Gutenberg (which means to keep it around with all its styles and javascript) or stick to the classic editor for posts, and install a TinyMCE extension that enables tables editing (this is what I did to avoid having people use gutenberg on a new site).
You can either add a "static table" element with all the basic styling options, or as a starting point you could enable the tables from the rich text editor your already have in the Rich Text element.
This would not be far from the approach you had with posts filtering: you added the basic feature (isotope filtering) and integrated with widespread plugins (FacetWP ad WP Grid Builder) for more advanced use cases.
Pedro Cassian
update! I created this in columns but the problem is when it goes response the table gets all funky, would like the user to be able to horizontally scroll
Pedro Cassian
Louis Reingold: I used the destiny table element in the end, its okay but doesnt allow you to edit the content visually so its easy to get lost if you have alot of rows and columns, and it doesnt allow html, or to add more content to cells
hoping for a native solution soon
Max Greßler
I got 4 words for you: google sheets auto sync
Tim Olukayode Ajayi
I want to be able to make this type of table. This is one of the features holding me back from launching my website now.
I'd definitely want a variation of this that is Client Editible.
They can add rows and columns using buttons. Edit content in each cell.
Some smart responsive options for mobile, you can use bootstrap for examples:
Dusin Dauncey
Even if it wasn't "basic" but usable with dynamic data for example, it'd be awesome. Here's an example in a Bricks add-on for inspiration:
Rico Fuller
Dusin Dauncey: Yes that's useful!
Stephen Walker
Dusin Dauncey: I do this what you are suggesting would be usefiul in addition to this. This is an example of what I had in mind - Now, if there is a way to do both in a single element, that would be great but i suspect the dynamic table would be more complicated.
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