Masonry layout for Post loop builder
Randall Holbrook
and woocommerce product list/shop page!
Abu Sayed
For now you can achieve this using the code from mike
Ileana Mayer-Dobnig
Need this!
Daniels Rogulis
Yess, please. This is essential for websites with custom posts :))
Ben Hartlenn
Please add this feature soon guys, thanks!
I've found a work-around in the meantime:
- Create the loop and show layout as grid
- Add a code block in the page and paste the following lines in the JS section:
jQuery(function($) {
// init Masonry
var $grid = $('.ee-posts-grid').masonry({
// options
itemSelector: '.ee-post',
columnWidth: 0
// layout Masonry after each image loads
$grid.imagesLoaded().progress( function() {
- In the CSS section of the code block, paste the following line and change the width to adapt your masonry columns layout:
.ee-post {width: 25%}
- In the function.php add the following line:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_thickbox');
Don't ask me why this code (originaly related to lightboxes) works. I found this by pure mistake.
Sorry for this quick and dirty tutorial. I hope it helps.
I’d love this to be implemented.