Blog template element for editors
Philipp Zwinge
In almost all of my projects, it's a pain that you have to train customers in Gutenberg and breakdance. As a rule, the customer uses gutenberg to edit or create the blog or custom post types such as events.
In my opinion, it would be ideal if there was a blog template element next to the Template Content Area element.
With the blog template element, the editor can edit the blog post directly via breakdance.
The idea here would be that users with the Edit Content Interface role could access selected basic elements and blocks from Breakdance via the new element. The admin basically decides which elements the editor can access.
Since the blog content is usually 1 column, this range of functions would probably be sufficient to cover most project cases.
Ideally, you could edit meta data such as categories, tags, etc. from the editor's perspective.
This would provide a better customer experience and would be another USP for breakdance as page builder.
Above all, this would make Gutenberg superfluous in most projects.