Allow lottie file uploads
Benson Childress
I concur, having the ability to upload Lottie .json files directly from the builder interface is status quo at this point, so hopefully the Breakdance team will make this a reality soon. Considering their development rate and the amazing workflow efficiencies that currently exist I am optimistic.
Glenn Jansen
Isn't it better to load Lottie elements externally using their script and custom HTML element?
i.e. using a code block and inserting this:
<lottie-player src="" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop controls autoplay></lottie-player>
Benson Childress
Glenn Jansen: No, not necessarily. This scenario is similar to the difference between a native and a hybrid application. Having all files on the same server ensures consistent load times so availability and speed are not predicated by a 3rd parties response times. Furthermore, I create my own Lottie animations and it is inefficient to add additional steps by having to upload to a 3rd party location and then call on it with additional code bloat.